Here is a sampling of a few things I've been working on
over the course of the past semester:

"Real Men of Genius":
Mustache and Me

"Fiber Fantasy Forest Frenzy"
Silk screen and embroidery
on craft fest

"Woodgrain" Lap top computer cosy
Silk screen and embroidery
on craft felt


"Untitled Screen print #1"
silkscreen on BFK fine art paper

"Untitled screen print #2"
Silk screen on BFK fine art paper

"The Island"
2 ft x 4 ft
graphite and guache on gessoed panel

"A diamond and a Tether"
12" x 18"
graphie and guache on gessoed panel
I can't hear anything anymore. The headphone jack on my ipod broke for the second time several months back. The CD play in my car stopped accepting the pile of flat silver disks that are stacked and stuffed in various cracks and crevices throughout my four door focus. A series of imperative pieces of my tape deck snapped, cracked, and became displaced. Now the sounds that slip from that system are warped and worthless. My record player is the only thing that remains intact, but the issue here isn't quality of sound or even overall functionality. Instead my collection of LPs is minimal, shameful, and far from portable. I can't hear anything substantial anymore and every space is filled with stale silence and restless energy.
Second semester of senior year is closing in and I'm trying to think of anything else while the break lasts. I've been in the worst kind of liminal space lately, and this constant state of being neither here nor there is absolutely unnerving. There isn't a clear path, or single answer anywhere. There's only the degree to focus on and everything else to fear. I can't wait to move out of Cleveland. Starting over somewhere new is going to be nice. I might even welcome -2o below.
Time bent and stood still. It shifted around all of us and made its way from midnight to 7 am in under than two hours. I don't know how it happened, but I believe it did.
This small town is making me crawl out of my skin, and the city just north of here is hardly an escape. I absolutely need to fall in love with an album again and everything I hear these days is letting me down. Where are you "head over heals" and "heartache" ???
Until we meet again... eyes open for sketchbook pages soon...
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