Friday, January 27, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In progress Painting

Just wanted to throw up and image of an oil painting I'm currently working on. I've come to a bit of a stand still on it over the holidays, but will be returning to it as soon as I tie up a few other loose ends.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Walter Benjamin, among other thinkers...

He happens to be a pretty interesting guy. I've really only read one of his essays over and over (Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ). I am largely unfamiliar with the rest of his work, although several of his readings have been suggested to me over time. Today I was rather unexpectedly moved by a few fragments of his. I found them in a small magazine, out of date, and stowed out of sight in a dear old friends family bathroom. They also reminded me of a few other sentiments I've come across lately. So today we will have a quotes entry. Nothing original, at least not from my end, but then again things rarely (if ever) are:

“To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.” - W.B.

“The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.” - W.B.
(this one is my personal favorite of the moment.)

"Shyness is turning your head away from something you want." - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

"There were things I wanted to tell him, but I knew they would hurt him. So instead I buried them, and let them hurt me." - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without also protecting yourself from happiness. I spent my life learning to feel less." - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

"I have talked myself out of happiness a hundred times, but never once into it." - Extremely Loud & and Incredibly Close

"Objects are imbued with the essence of you but I sense that it's false." - K. Flay Danger Starts

"Oh C.C. Rider, see what you've gone done. You made me love you and now your 'man' done come." - Old Crow Medicine Show C.C. Rider

Back on the road to DE tomorrow, hopefully full of confidence and my own advice.
<3 Sandi